Visitor Registration
Cosmoprof Asia & Cosmopack Asia 2023 Online Pre-Registration is now closed, industry visitor please register onsite to obtain admission badge.
*Admission badge is valid in both Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre and Hong Kong AsiaWorld Expo
On-site Registration
Visitors without a valid badge or not successfully registered online before deadline should register onsite.
For onsite registration, please bring along your relevant business card and approach the Visitor Registration Counter at the fairground to register your badge.
Admission Fee
Each visitor will need to pay HKD$400 for on-site registration. No fee would be charged if visitor pre-register online by deadline.
Condition for Free Admission
Visitors who present an ORIGINAL Show Invitation or e-complimentary ticket at onsite registration counters are entitled to free admission. One original show invitation or e-complimentary ticket offers one free admission. Photocopy of show invitation is not valid.
Act Now and Pre-Register to Save HK$420!
By pre-registering today, you can enjoy the following advantages:
- Free Admission Pass to both Cosmopack Asia and Cosmoprof Asia
- Save HKD 420 on admission fees and avoid the hassle of registering on-site
- Access to the AI-driven Matching platform to schedule meeting with right suppliers
- Register for a seat at 20+ high-level Cosmotalks
*free pre-registration will close on 6 November 2024
Print-at-home Badge Arrangement
All accepted registrants will receive confirmation email to download their print-at-home badges.
Please print out the badge on A4 paper for event admission, alternatively you can also print out at onsite self-service counter.
Once you arrive the fair, you can pick up the lanyard and the badge holder at the fair ground to put place badge.

Fair Dates & Opening Hours
* Visitor registration counters close 30 minutes before the fair ends.
* Visitors cannot access into exhibition halls 15 minutes before closing time of the fair.
Important Notes
Visitors under the age of 18 will not be admitted.
The fair is strictly for trade only. The Organisers reserve the right to refuse the entrance of any registrant it deems inappropriate, and to verify the trade identity of any registrant where necessary.
[email protected]
ph. +852-3709 4989